Concert Bands
There are three concert bands available to Central HS students. Students audition in the spring for placement in the Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble. All concert bands and orchestra perform at concerts during the school year, usually scheduled for October, December, February, and May. Performance attire consists of a white button-down shirt, black pants, black socks, and black shoes. Wind Symphony has additional performance requirements, such as graduation in the spring.
Concert Band (Beginning)
This band class is for students who have never been in band and want to learn to play an instrument or students who have limited band experience. Concert Band is also for students who wish to change instruments in high school or who want to begin learning a secondary instrument in preparation for majoring in music education in college.
Symphonic Band
Music covered in this band will include intermediate concert band literature from various genres.
Wind Symphony
Music covered will include intermediate to advanced concert band literature from various genres.