Door-to-Door Jazz Fundraiser on April 8, 2017

Communities cheer when a hometown team reaches the Sweet 16. This spring, Champaign-Urbana has reason to celebrate a musical triumph for a hometown band. Champaign Central Jazz Ensemble has been accepted to a prestigious jazz competition, arguably the high school band...

Fundraising for the Jazz Ensemble!

The Champaign Central (IL) High School Jazz Ensemble has been accepted to two prestigious jazz festival competitions this spring and we need your help to get there!  Led by Mr. John Currey, Jazz Ensemble was selected from hundreds of high school jazz bands across the...

Booster Meeting – March 2

Join us for the next meeting of the Central Music Boosters on Thursday, March 2, from 7:30-9:00 p.m. in the band room. AGENDA 7:30-7:35 Welcome & introductions 7:35-7:50 Fanpalooza (Jamal Maatuka) 7:50-8:10 Treasurer’s report (Donna Butler) – Disney Trip...

Summer music camp scholarships

Central Music Boosters provides partial scholarships for qualified students to attend summer music camps. Scholarships are open to any freshman, sophomore, or junior at Central who has participated this past year in one of Central’s music programs and who...

Upcoming fundraisers

With our big trip to Disney World scheduled for Thanksgiving 2017, students will have a limited number of opportunities to raise funds for the trip. Two upcoming fundraisers are the Fannie May chocolate sale (February) and the discount card sale (March). More details...

Choir report

In addition to the Madrigal dinner on December 10-11, choir performed on CI Living in December. They also did a “Sounds of the Season” taping which aired on FOX, WICD, and CW.

Eastern Jazz Festival

Eastern Illinois University Jazz Festival – February 11, 2017 There are two buses for this trip which have different departure times: Bus 1 students arrive at 7:15 a.m. Bus 2 students arrive at 10:15 a.m. Both buses will return to Central HS at approximately 7:45...